Welcome to Noa Ignite 🔥

As a new developer it can be alot of new things to wrap your head around. That is why we created the Noa Ignite dev checklist to make sure you have recived all the information and equipment you need inorder to get set and running. When all boxes have been checked your onboarding is complete. 🎉

How to use

To use this checklist please clone the repo and create a new branch called [name]-checklist. When you feel lika a task has been completed open up the source file check the checkbox by adding X in the brackets to the left, see example below. ☑️

  • Unchecked
  • Checked

When your done for the day and your list have been updated plz push your branch git push to keep your mentor in the loop and check if you have recived everything you need.

Support :star2:

I have been assigned a..

  • Mentor
  • Dev team

Work Equipment :computer:

I have recived..

  • Work desk
  • Computer
  • Computer screen
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Laptop stand (if needed)
  • Docking station (if needed)
  • Phone
  • Sim card

Other Equipment :hammer_and_wrench:

I have recived..

  • Locker
  • Key tab
  • Pin code (for office door)
  • Welcome bag
    • Waterbottle
    • Notepad
    • Pen
    • Ignite Merch

Software :floppy_disk:

I have installed and run..

  • Visual studio code
  • Teams
  • Slack
  • Outlook (mail)
  • Terminal
  • Nvm
  • Node
  • Yarn

Credentials and Authorization :key:

I have recived all the necessary credentials to access..

  • Slack
  • Mail
  • Workbook
  • Float
  • 1Password
  • All Git Organizations
    • NoA Ignite
    • Oakwood
    • Making Waves

Introductions :man_teacher:

I have been introduced to..

  • CIA (Ignite Boilerplate)
  • MUI (React Library)
  • Storybook
  • Git & GitFlow
  • Float (Planning & Scheduling)
  • Workbook (Time Reporting)
  • Building & Office

Onboarding Complete :genie_woman:

I have filled out the form..

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