
The clamp function restricts a number to lie within a specified range. If the value is less than the minimum, it returns the minimum. If the value is greater than the maximum, it returns the maximum. Otherwise, it returns the value itself. This is useful for ensuring that a value stays within a defined boundary.

  • @param value - The number to be clamped within the range.
  • @param minimum - The lower bound of the range. The returned value will not be less than this number.
  • @param maximum - The upper bound of the range. The returned value will not be greater than this number.
  • @returns The clamped value, constrained within the range defined by min and max.


clamp(5, 0, 10) // 5
clamp(15, 0, 10) // 10
clamp(-5, 0, 10) // 0